Dedication of Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography

Dedication of Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography. On June 10, 2015, Dana and Patrick Macdonald attended the dedication with Susan & Laurence Maurer.  NSU has built a reputation for its projects to protect marine life.  The school conducted studies to see how corals react to oil spills in hopes of improving dispersants in the event of a disaster.  Also renown for its work to preserve corals and protect sharks, Nova Southeastern University has expanded the scope of its marine school to include several science areas.

NSU’s Halmos College will include two campuses – the facility at John U. Lloyd State Park in Dania Beach will offer marine and environmental sciences, and the main NSU campus in Davie will offer chemistry, math and biology.  The college will also be offering a “shadow program,” where biology students interested in health fields can tag along with nurses and physicians in their places of work.

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